Friday Preparations

I am not very good at writing but I thought having my own blog will allow me get better in it. For the past month I have been browsing and surfing in so many cooking blogs that my apetite to have my own blog grew. I never thought I will have a blog, but I guess "never say never" applied once more...
So this is a starter, I'll see how I feel about it. My intention is to write a little about cooking and my "experiments" in the kitchen as well as to tell about Israeli food and the very colorful culinary life of Israel. I hope its not attempting too high. I also have to apologize (already) for the quality of this blog...
I don't even know why I gave this title, guess coz its Friday, and Friday in Israel is a special day. There is a special atmosphere on this day, people cook and clean the house, getting ready for the Sabbath. It affects also complete heretic and non-religious people like me.
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