Sunday, August 13, 2006

And yet the beginning of another week

I cannot believe it is Sunday again. I woke up for a black day 24 soldiers killed in Lebanon. Regardless of what I feel about this war, and whether it is just or not hearing these horrible news can ruin your day.
Since this war started I haven't eaten out - simply because of the general blues I and everyone around me are in. However, I found cooking to be a very effective resort. So this weekend's success was a very simple, yet delicious marble cake. I read the recipe in the paper and decided to improvise a little.

200g butter
250g sugar
4 eggs
1 tea spoon vanilla extract
Juice and peal from one lemon
300g all purpose flour
1 tea spoon baking powder

For the marbles mix together
2 spoons good quality cocoa
1 spoon instant coffee powder (something strong)
1/4 cup water
150ml yogurt
2 cups brandy

1st Step:
mix butter and sugar until receiving a smooth and puffy mixture
2nd Step:
add eggs one by one
3rd Step:
add lemon juice, lemon peal and Vanilla
4th Step:
Now the mixture should be smooth and puffy, you add the flour mixed with the baking powder slowly.
5th Step:
After the mixture is ready (or while the mixer does its thing)
prepare grease and flour 2 "English Cake" pans
6th Step:
Pour the mixture to the pans (equally)
7th step:
Put the brown mixture on top of the white in each baking pan and with a fork mix a little to as to give it the marbling effect.
8th Step:
Bake in a previously heat oven (180C) for 30-40 min.

After the cakes cools down I normally freeze one if I don't give it away.
In any case its a real easy to make cake, and you can do as many variations as you like on it, and its wonderful for 5 O'clock tea/ coffee....


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