I personally LOVE parties, and I love organizing them and thinking who to invite, what to prepare. Than when everyone is there I am in complete ecstatic mood!
So one of my best friends will celebrate his Bday a week from now. However, we are all gonna be at this seminar and we wont be able to properly celebrate his Bday. So another friend and myself thought we should organize a Surprise Party a week before the actual date. So last week I went to Jerusalem on Saturday to discuss the logistics. Yesterday I was told that I am in charge of all the logistics because she has a lot of pressure at work. Sooooo anyhow I thought of party food and came up with nice ideas. I must confess though, that except for the Caiprinia and the Chocolate squares I bought everything at the grocery. Anyhow it is gonna be an alcohol party but there is always a need to something to nibble. This time I decided to be less conventional and bought stuff like Fried chick Peas;Fried Ful (aka broad beans) and other beans which turned into a snack.
I also bought just for fun Bazooka Gum
The party went very well and my friend was indeed surprised.
My chocolate squares happened to be a GREAT success.
I followed the recipe of Danit Salomon. It is very very easy, and sooo delicious here it is:
200 gr. Petit beurre
50 gr. Dark chocolate
100 gr. Butter
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
5 spoons instant cacao powder
30 gr. Sugar
100 gr. Dark chocolate
some grated chocolate (for decoration)
1. Crush petit beurre and chocolate in food processor until u receive a powder (doesn't need to be a fine powder).
2. Add chocolate.
3. In a bowl melt butter and sugar.
4. Add the melted butter and sugar to the petit beurre and chocolate mix
5. Add cacao powder and egg and mix well.
6. Spread the mixture evenly in a baking tin.
7. While the "base" is cooling down you can start off preparing the "cover".
8. On ban marie melt chocolate and butter.
9. When melted spread evenly on the base, decorate with grated chocolate and refrigerate.
10. You can cut in which ever shape you want and keep in the freezer for as long as you wish.
And this is the final result:

I wrote I prepared Caipirina but indeed I prepared Caipiroska. It is very easy to prepare as well (especially if you have a lemon tree in your garden - my parents happened to have one).
I used:
1 battle Lemon Vodka (but you can use regular vodka)
1/4 cup sugar water syrup (I have prepare a stock in the freeze and use it for cakes,sorbet etc.)
Juice from 1 lemon
Think slices from 3-4 lemons (with the skin)
Crushed ice!
I took a big bowl, mixed the lemon juice and the sugar syrup together. I cut all the lemons and added them to the bowl. After everything was in the bowl I added the vodka. I left in the fridge for a while - if it stays overnight in the fridge its even better coz the lemon flavor is even stronger. Before serving I added the crushed ice. Very easy to prepare and very convenient for parties!!!
So one of my best friends will celebrate his Bday a week from now. However, we are all gonna be at this seminar and we wont be able to properly celebrate his Bday. So another friend and myself thought we should organize a Surprise Party a week before the actual date. So last week I went to Jerusalem on Saturday to discuss the logistics. Yesterday I was told that I am in charge of all the logistics because she has a lot of pressure at work. Sooooo anyhow I thought of party food and came up with nice ideas. I must confess though, that except for the Caiprinia and the Chocolate squares I bought everything at the grocery. Anyhow it is gonna be an alcohol party but there is always a need to something to nibble. This time I decided to be less conventional and bought stuff like Fried chick Peas;Fried Ful (aka broad beans) and other beans which turned into a snack.
I also bought just for fun Bazooka Gum
The party went very well and my friend was indeed surprised.
My chocolate squares happened to be a GREAT success.
I followed the recipe of Danit Salomon. It is very very easy, and sooo delicious here it is:
200 gr. Petit beurre
50 gr. Dark chocolate
100 gr. Butter
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
5 spoons instant cacao powder
30 gr. Sugar
100 gr. Dark chocolate
some grated chocolate (for decoration)
1. Crush petit beurre and chocolate in food processor until u receive a powder (doesn't need to be a fine powder).
2. Add chocolate.
3. In a bowl melt butter and sugar.
4. Add the melted butter and sugar to the petit beurre and chocolate mix
5. Add cacao powder and egg and mix well.
6. Spread the mixture evenly in a baking tin.
7. While the "base" is cooling down you can start off preparing the "cover".
8. On ban marie melt chocolate and butter.
9. When melted spread evenly on the base, decorate with grated chocolate and refrigerate.
10. You can cut in which ever shape you want and keep in the freezer for as long as you wish.
And this is the final result:

I have to improve my photography skills...:/
I wrote I prepared Caipirina but indeed I prepared Caipiroska. It is very easy to prepare as well (especially if you have a lemon tree in your garden - my parents happened to have one).
I used:
1 battle Lemon Vodka (but you can use regular vodka)
1/4 cup sugar water syrup (I have prepare a stock in the freeze and use it for cakes,sorbet etc.)
Juice from 1 lemon
Think slices from 3-4 lemons (with the skin)
Crushed ice!
I took a big bowl, mixed the lemon juice and the sugar syrup together. I cut all the lemons and added them to the bowl. After everything was in the bowl I added the vodka. I left in the fridge for a while - if it stays overnight in the fridge its even better coz the lemon flavor is even stronger. Before serving I added the crushed ice. Very easy to prepare and very convenient for parties!!!
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